Mental Health

Return to
Work Services

COVID 19 UPDATES: Safe Return to Operation Plan | Pandemic Action Plan for Residential Group Homes & Co-Living Settings

Who is Diversified Rehabilitation Group?

We are a Canadian Rehabilitation Company dedicated to supporting our clients in their journey to healing and recovery. We offer Mental Health Programs and Return-to-Work Services for individuals, employers, insurance companies, unions, and law firms. We help individuals and organizations begin their journey to recovery.

Quality Care That Works For You

Diversified's team consists of highly-qualified, personable, and experienced clinicians with an extensive understanding of mental and physical health. All clinicians are registered and in good standing with their respective professional colleges and associations.

Our Clients

We provide services to individuals and small, medium and large organizations, including unions, insurance companies and law firms. We work with all concerned parties to develop realistic and achievable return-to-work goals and timelines.

The structure of the program created a nice balance between education, group and individual work and learning relaxation techniques. I filled up my toolbox with valuable skills!

- Client Survey Response

“I was very impressed with how I was treated. I also found it refreshing to have the same person deal with me during my entire rehab time, unlike my previous experience with the uncaring people ….that made my recovery from hernia surgery a living hell. Thank you so much for making me feel like a human being.”

- Survey Reply

I just want to say thank you to everyone that helped during the program!

- Client Survey Response